Meet Okan Arts’ co-owners Patricia Belyea and Victoria Stone. Mesmerized by the beauty of Japanese textiles, they are makers of creative quilts, teachers, and speakers.
Their West Coast business imports vintage textiles from Japan, runs quilting workshops, leads tours to Japan, and offers quilts by Patricia in its online gallery.
Come behind the scenes when Patricia joins Alex Anderson for an episode of The Quilt Show.
It was an exciting day with Patricia’s quilts all around and lots of laughter!
The perfect weight for quilting, yukata cottons add an extraordinary essence to any project.
The fabric patterns, from classic indigo & white geometrics to vividly bold florals and abstracts, inspire and enchant.
In this creative quilting book, Patricia Belyea offers improv instruction using her Hachi Manifesto of five simple rules.
Fourteen projects explore improv—using vintage and contemporary Japanese fabrics, and bold hand stitching.
podcasts & articles featuring okan arts
CanvasRebel Magazine | Meet Patricia Belyea
An interview with Patricia reveals the secret behind the success of Okan Arts. [5-minute read] +read now
Creative Japan | Episode 2
Patricia Belyea chats about how her quilting and her love of Japanese textile evolved into Okan Arts. Hosted by Emi Takagi Stapler. [44 minutes] +listen now
Quilter on Fire | Episode 110
Patricia Belyea shares her stories about discovering quilting and Japanese textiles with Brandy Maslowski. [60 minutes] +listen now
Collecting Culture | The Bold Beauty of Japanese Yukata Cottons
Liz Logan interviews Patricia Belyea about her obsession with quilting and Japanese textiles. [25 minutes] +listen now
Modern Sewceity
Stephanie Kendron chats with Patricia about her new book and her different approach to quilt making, especially adding modern facings. [01:16:44 minutes, Patricia starts at 4:05] +listen now
Pat Sloan
Pat talks with Patricia about discovering yukata cottons in Japan and using them in her quilt projects. [53:57 minutes, Patricia starts at 13:55] +listen now