CHIBA JP Sora to Umi, meaning Sky and Sea, evokes a sense of vastness and wonder. This is the name of a special abilities facility near Misaki in Chiba.
Our textile tour visited Sora to Umi for an afternoon. Starting with lunch, we were treated to beautifully prepared food that foretold the artistic treasures to come.

Everything about the facility awakened heartfelt awe. Three studios, filled with happy and focused artists, buzzed with activity and creative energy.

Thirty years ago, Choryusui Okuno and Machiko Ohno taught swimming to disabled adults. Together, they developed Sora to Umi as a place where adults with special abilities could lead fulfilling lives—starting with papermaking and now producing over 100 different craft products.
We met Ryuichi Okuno, son of one of the founders. With the help of staff and volunteers, he directs the vibrant community at Sora to Umi, and graciously hosted our visit.
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ABOUT US: Okan Arts, a petite family business, is co-owned by mother-daughter duo Patricia Belyea and Victoria Stone. Patricia and Victoria sell Japanese textiles online, host creative quilting experiences, and lead quilting & textile tours to Japan.