Danger! Danger!, a Creativity Snippet by Patricia Belyea

danger! danger!


By Patricia Belyea

As quilters, we always put our seat belts on when we drive our cars. Yet when securing something to our design walls or just working at our sewing machines, we often have one to five pins sticking out of our mouths.

We put pins in our mouths as a convenient third hand—to help us get something done. We do this without thinking about it. Of course, we would never swallow a pin! That would be ridiculous.

When someone unexpectedly enters our studios, or we guffaw or sneeze, the split second moment happens when we could inhale a pin. Yes, it has happened to others.

The seriousness of ingesting a sharp object does not need to be explained. If it doesn’t pierce the esophagus or stomach lining, it still has a chance of poking a hole in the intestines.

One solution to having pins handy is to slip them into the shoulder of our garments. It works well but we must remember not to hug someone. Ouch! We can also wear a wrist pin cushion. Or one of those adorable ring pin cushions.

There is also the health issue to scare us. Why would we want something that we handle non-stop in our mouths?

’Nuf said. We now have a little voice in our heads that reminds us to NEVER put pins in our mouths.

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SOARING STITCHES is a blook (blog book) by Patricia Belyea.

To read the Introduction +click here

To read other Creativity Snippets:
Holy Messes +click here
Freedom Makers +click here